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Welcome to JLK Mediation


Many of our mediation clients come to us with a lot of uncertainty, fear and stress.  Whether the situation involves a real estate transaction, personal injury, boundary dispute or divorce… litigation (or the threat of litigation) will slowly drain the life out of you and the people you love.  Everything you enjoy and do on a daily basis will begin to suffer from the effects of an ongoing dispute: work, time with friends and family, ability to enjoy exercise or a walk on the beach.  You are constantly consumed with the dispute from the minute you wake up until the time you try and go to sleep. Not to mention the thousands of dollars you will incur in trying to resolve the dispute.


Sadly, I know what this is like.  I (and my children) went through a divorce that lasted seven (7) years! As a result, I have seen what an ongoing lawsuit can do to a professional’s career, a business owner’s bottom-line and a grieving family’s inability to heal.  When people are angry, hurt or simply misunderstand the intentions of another, their feelings take control of logic and the "big picture" completely goes out of focus. Soon they are caught up in a losing battle and have paid dearly for it, emotionally and financially. Although my situation involved some complicated factors, I vowed to do everything in my power to help people avoid the nightmare my family and I went through. Whether you are facing divorce or a boundary dispute with a neighbor, mediation can help you resolve those disputes and possibly salvage relationships.


I would like to help you move beyond your dispute and on to living your life again. Whether you are contemplating litigation, facing the threat of litigation, already in a lawsuit and have retained an attorney, it is never too late to resolve the dispute with a neutral third party who has seen the end of the tunnel you are going through and can guide you to a resolution that will allow you to escape the nightmare that has been plaguing your mind and your wallet.


Start getting your life back today. Call our office for a free half hour consultation! Office: (858) 974-1917 or Cell: (619) 990-7019



Jennifer Kammerer

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