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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Kammerer



Do you have a difficult conversation you have been avoiding? Prepare and set-aside time for that conversation and find some peace of mind. Here are some tips:

TAKE TIME TO PREPARE FOR A DIFFICULT CONVERSATION by “role-playing” with someone you trust. Practice until you are familiar with the emotions or triggering events that arise during the conversation. Practicing how these emotions feel, will lessen their effect when you are actually having the difficult conversation.

FOCUS ON LISTENING WHEN YOU KNOW THOSE EMOTIONS ARE SIMMERING. Remember, you do not need to agree with one word you are listening to. However, allowing the person who is speaking to finish what they have to say, without interrupting and then asking open ended questions, will foster better communication, mutual respect and a better understanding of one another.

IMAGINE A PERSON WHO WOULD HANDLE THE SITUATION WELL and think about what they would do, say and how they would respond. When you feel the urge to interrupt, while the person is speaking, envision the person you believe would handle the situation well, take a deep breath, try to emulate them and refocus on listening.

SET ASIDE APPROPRIATE TIME for a difficult conversation. Explain to the person you wish to have the difficult conversation with, that you would like to allow enough time to discuss a topic you are having some difficulty with and you want to make sure you both have time to share your thoughts. Agree, in advance, to revisit the conversation if anyone feels too much emotion and needs to regroup. Possibly, create a code word and commit to revisiting the conversation.

Often difficult topics are made more difficult, because we imagine the worst-case scenario. You might be surprised how less overwhelming a difficult discussion can be, once you decide to share what is on your mind.

Best of luck and have a fantastic week!

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